Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saving Grace

"You are in a can-do mood at the moment and that's good because the planets indicate that if you make an effort the results will be spectacular. Jupiter in the money area of your chart could make you a fortune!"

If my mother taught me anything it was Never Throw Anything Out.  I have the spoon and knife I stole from the Beatles room service tray at the Plaza Hotel in 1964. I have several hundred British fanzines I subscribed to when I was 15. I have Beatles dolls, Beatles harmonicas, Beatles jewelry and Beatles bubble gum cards. I even have a licorice record with John's picture on it. Admittedly, after nearly 50 years, the licorice is pretty gross. 
I have, or should I say had, two ticket stubs from the Beatles second ever concert in the United States. They are now on their way to their new owner in England.
Who would have guessed that these two tiny scraps of paper would sell for over $2,500?


  1. All ya need is stuff!
    Yata ta ta ta
    All ya need is stuff!
    Yata ta ta ta
    All ya need is stuff! stuff!
    Stuff is all ya need
    Stuff is all you need. . .

  2. keep up the good see there's gold in them there hills....or rather, storage lockers...and you thought everything was selling at 1/2 or less of its value? not everything apparently...yippie!
