Thursday, November 17, 2011

Trouble Waiting to Happen

"It may seem as if the world is against you but it isn’t true and deep down you know it. The most important thing by far today is your attitude. Stay positive and positive things are sure to happen - eventually."

Warren wrote:
I woke up this morning and I fell out of bed
Trouble waiting to happen
Should've quit while I was ahead
Trouble waiting to happen. 
I turned on the news to the Third World War
Opened up the paper to World War IV 
Just when I thought it was safe to be bored
Trouble waiting to happen.

My attitude is: I'm not taking any chances. Whether the world is for me or against me, I'm staying home and watching t.v. all day. I'll venture out again... eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, to the humane society! Trouble waiting to happen indeed!
