Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mea Culpa

My horoscope this morning said the planets were aligned to guarantee my success in the coming year. It said my only problem was I doubt myself.

I thought: Maybe EVERYONE has been given a positive slant on their stars today. The Post, wishing us well, even if it's not foretold. But no, other sign's outlooks were not as propitious as mine. But somehow, some seemed much more appropriate. To the given day, at least.

Virgo: "If you get a chance to solve a domestic dispute this week don’t let it pass. Chances are all it needs is a kind word from you and everyone will be friends again."

 All I wanted to do was put her clothes away. Sigh. Oh Great Universe: Is there something really wrong with me?


  1. When is Cate's birthday?

    I'm a Virgo & I would WELCOME some organization, cleaning, de-cluttering.

  2. November 18, 1991. She is six months to the day from me, May 18, making us Zodiacal opposites.
    As my astrologer told me when Cate was born.."There is no middle ground between you. You are either in love or at war."
    So true.
    I am a Master cleaner, de-clutterer, organizer. Call upon me!
