Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Moveable Beast

 "Monday’s full moon could bring one or two nasty shocks your way, but if you stand back and look at them from a higher perspective you will realize they are probably for the best. Not all change is bad."

O.K. I don't like the sound of this at all. So I scouted around for a better prediction under another sign. But they were all pretty grim. 

I think I'll do one of two things: See what Michael Lutin has to say, and hope it's better. Or, in keeping with the year, leap over Monday and pretend it's Tuesday.

Maybe with the help of one of my recently acquired 27 Vintage Leaping Novelties from the 1970's.

In my enthusiasm to acquire these for the cats, I failed to consider the condition of the 40 year old plastic.Then again, maybe only two of the 27 will be shot. 

I'll be disappointed, but I'll look at the disappointment in the Light of the Big Picture. As Advised.



  1. Holy jumping crabs!
    Let's see if I can post this...

  2. Oh yeah! Oh joy! Oh boy! All is well in word verification world!

  3. Thanks to the Internet!!

    Allejuhia. Now wait... how do i spell that?

    Let me Google it!

  4. What the heck are these? When I clicked on the image to enlarge it, it got smaller instead. I can't make out a thing!

    P.S. What is your ebay store called? (or site, or whatever)
